


ScotGov agrees to Union request

Scottish Government is to extend the application window for applying to vital CAP support schemes from 16 May to 15 June.

This is the second successive year where problems around the IT system installed by Scottish Government to deliver new CAP schemes have merited an extension to the deadline.

While the application system has improved when compared to this time last year, the Union requested an extension after feedback from members indicated that many are currently unable to successfully submit their 2016 claim as they have yet to receive the necessary updated maps for their business from Scottish Government.

While an extension has been granted, the Union would urge all members who currently have all the information necessary to complete their forms not to delay the application and to press ahead with finalising their claim.

A recent statement from the European Commission, granting member states the discretion to extend the application window again this year recognised that other nations continue to have similar problems delivering the new CAP schemes.

NFU Scotland President Allan Bowie said: “While the majority report that the application process is improved, many members have yet to receive the up-to-date maps for their farms that are needed to properly submit their 2016 claim.

“We welcome the recognition from Scottish Government that additional time must be allowed for that to happen.  While many of our members will have already submitted their claim we could not have allowed a situation to develop where many members could not submit a form because of mapping issues.


“We would encourage all members who have all the necessary information to complete their applications to press ahead and complete this application process as soon as possible.

“Before pressing for this extension, we sought assurances from government officials that extending the deadline for application would have no implications for when payments will be made.  It is already clear from last year’s deeply flawed payment process that lessons must be learned and the delays and payment debacle of the 2015 scheme cannot be repeated.

“NFU Scotland believes the Scottish Government must draw up a new contract with Scottish farmers and crofters and the wider rural economy, set a timeframe when payments will be delivered in the future and allow farm businesses and those they do business with to plan accordingly.

“The fact that the IT system is still toiling to approve all applications made in 2015, means that a clear priority for the newly elected Scottish Government is to finish what it started and deliver all outstanding payments to all farmers. The financial hole that remains in the Scottish rural economy must be filled.”

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