Machers Primary School Cross Country Round-Up

Over the course of the month of March and as a new element to the active schools and community sports programme for 2016, P4-P7 pupils from the Newton Stewart Area were invited to take part in an after school x-country league in the lead up to the large annual cluster festival in April.

There were 4 fixtures spread across the Machars which saw Blairmount, Bladnoch Park, Port William’s Kings Green Caravan Park and Minnigaff Pavilion providing the settings.  The league attracted runners of all abilities whether to improve fitness levels, improve performance or simply to enjoy themselves in the fresh air.

The Cross Country League placings as below taken from the 4 venues;

P4 Boys

1st Mackenzie Sharples, Minnigaff Primary

2nd Jake Devine, Wigtown Primary

3rd Thomas Simpson, Wigtown Primary

P5 Girls

1st Ella Simpson, Wigtown Primary

2nd Jo Marshall, Minnigaff Primary

3rd Sophie Barclay, Minnigaff Primary

P5 Boys

1st Finlay Rodger, Kirkcowan Primary

2nd Sam Moore, Minnigaff Primary

3rd Kieran Mc Knight, Minnigaff Primary

P6 Girls

1st Drew Lochrie, Port William

P7 Boys

1st Zak Service, Kirkcowan Primary
Cross Country FINALE – Kirroughtree Results

Kirrougtree played host to the annual Machars Primary x-Country festival for the first time in its history last week.

The event was held in partnership with Forest Enterprise Scotland and was split over two mornings which saw over 300 pupils from P5-7 taking part in the event.  Once again, JB Print kindly sponsored the race numbers and certificates for all competitors.

Being a new venue, it was a learning curve for organisers and competitors alike but the order of play ran smoothly and proved very popular with everyone involved.  The setting was beautiful with the runners being guided through the natural forestry paths, grass trails and woodland scenery by a team of volunteer stewards.

The cluster was split into the following two groups:

Group 1 (Wednesday 13 April): North Machars: Penninghame, St Ninians, Minnigaff and Creetown

Group 2 (Friday 15 April): South Machars: Port William, Kirkinner, Whithorn, Garlieston, Wigtown and Kirkcowan

Following the tallying of points for final placings, for the fourth year in a row Penninghame Primary school were crowned champions with Kirkcowan taking the spoils for the Team Relay.

Overall SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIP (points tallied for final placings):

1st           Penninghame    (75 points)

2nd          Wigtown              (45 points)

3rd           Kirkcowan           (40 points)

4th           Whithorn             (29 points)

5th           Port William         (28 points)

6th           Creetown           (21 points)


Overall TEAM RELAY Champions

1st           Kirkcowan

2nd          Wigtown

3rd           Creetown

Councillor Tom McAughtrie, Chairman of the Community and Customer Services Committee said;

“It is fantastic to see the Machars schools having the opportunity to take part in a sports event at an exciting and very much accessible venue on their doorsteps. The festivals ran very smoothly with a lovely buzz at the visitor centre. He added “The partnership work, efforts of the pupils, staff and volunteers certainly contributed to a successful and positive experience for all involved.”

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