Advance Warning Of Essential Maintenance On A75 At Carsluith

Amey, on behalf of Transport Scotland as part of the Network Management Contract for the South-West Trunk Road Unit, are undertaking essential maintenance on the A75 at Carsluith West from Sunday 10th October until Wednesday 27th October 2021, between the hours of 7pm and 6am, each night. 

This scheme, with a value of £960,000, will benefit around 2,686 vehicles using this route each day, by improving the condition of the carriageway and reducing the need for more extensive maintenance in the future.

The work will be carried out using overnight convoys between the hours of 7pm and 6am, each night, which will remain in place for the duration of the works. Daytime temporary traffic lights will be operating in localised areas between the hours of 6am and 7pm each day, in order to facilitate material cooling.

Our operatives will follow strict physical distancing and hygiene protocols throughout the programme, in line with the Scottish Government’s COVID-19 guidance.

Please note, all schemes are weather dependent and may be cancelled or rescheduled if weather conditions are not favourable.

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