
Bid To Find Alternate Care Home Provider Receives No Interest  

THE PROCUREMENT process to find a suitable care provider to take over the running of Singleton Park Care Home at Courance has concluded with no expression of interest.  


Unfortunately, as a consequence a decision has been taken that the care home will now need to be closed.


Dumfries and Galloway Health and Social Care Partnership Chief Officer Julie White said: “Every step has been taken to find a suitable care provider to take over the running of this home.
“This followed the Care Inspectorate’s successful legal bid for the then provider to have its registration suspended – amid concerns over the quality of care at Singleton Park Care Home.
“Throughout, the care of residents at the home has been our prime concern, and Dumfries and Galloway Health and Social Care acted immediately, providing direct support to the residents by committing its own staff to work alongside Singleton Park employees.
“Every step has been taken to find a suitable care provider to take over the running of this home, but unfortunately this has proven to be unsuccessful, with the consequence that the care home residents will now be transferred to alternative facilities over the coming weeks and months.”


Staff at Singleton Park, who continued to work at the care home following the Care Inspectorate’s intervention, have been praised for their commitment and dedication.


As the local authority assumed legal responsibility for the care home after the registration of the previous providers was revoked, by the Care Inspectorate, the responsibility for the formal closure will be retained by the Chief Social Work Officer for the Local Authority Lillian Cringles.

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